Board work

Kim Tange Board Experience

Current board positions

INCENTO A/S , Chairman


Kontakt Kim Tange +45 28 590 598 eller

Earlier board positions

IT Forum Gruppen A/S; boardmember m 2011 til 2015.

Randers FC Jobakademi ApS, boardmember , 2011-2017

Anycom A/S,  boardmember

Connectia A/S, 
boardmember 2009-2011 

IT Forum,
2011-2015.  Volunteer board work.

Hornbæk Sportsforening, Fodbold, 
boardmember 2012-2014. Sportsforening. Volunteer board work.

Foreningen af Danske Civiløkonomer, Boardmember 1995-1998. Industry organization. Volunteer board work

Contact Kim Tange +45 28 590 598 eller

Kim Tange offers himself to your Companies board and advisoryboard

I would like to contribute to a professional and value-added work on boards, as I believe I can make a difference in your board or advisory board.
I have a commercial focus with a focus on sales and growth. And has many years of strategic and practical experience with sales and growth

With my experience with business models, strategy work and several different approaches incl. digital strategies, management, motivation, growth, sales and marketing, efficiency / lean, crisis management, raising capital, selling and buying a business as well as financial understanding. etc ..

I am a course leader and teach on several board training courses, and am therefore thoroughly familiar with the formal and practical board work.

With several years of experience as a board member and chairman of the board, as well as as an adviser to boards and boards, I have much to offer with

Contact Kim Tange +45 28 590 58

Business Help Team, Sindalsvej 37, 1, 8240 Risskov,  eller  +45-28 590 598, 34130116